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    Wednesday, January 21, 2004

    Sneezes and Salvation

    Despite Basil's near-perfect diet of mama's milk, the Eucharist, occasional spoons of holy water, fingertip tastes of ice cream, and the crusty roll we gave him to rub on his gums at a Cuban restaurant, his mortal and fallen body apparently remains unable to evade the certain reality of illness.

    Yes...our little Basil has caught his first cold. The poor guy was very confused as he sneezed thick mucous out of his nose for the first time this past weekend. The darned thing has now settled in his chest, causing him to cough between rattling breaths.

    I'm sure many of you have experienced how heartbreaking it is to watch your child suffer when there is very little you can do. His red, watery eyes keep looking up at me as if to say "Mommy, please make it all better." I get a powerless feeling, knowing that while I can comfort him, treat his symptoms, and pray for him...I can't totally restore him to health (at least I'm not aware of having any healing powers).

    I guess feeling such powerlessness is good for me. It teaches me to wait patiently and trust in Him who loves mankind and in His mercy...the same mercy that healed the sinful woman, the thief, the publican, the prodigal son and the woman with the issue of blood...the same mercy with which He transforms all creation, even our sinful bodies, into glory.

    ...O Thou that takes away the sins of the world, and heals the infirmities of men, and calls all that are weary and heavy laden to thyself and gives them rest; Thou that came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, cleanse me from all stain of body and soul and teach me to fulfill holiness in Thy fear...

    While we are being healed, I will continue to wipe snotty sneezes and fill little cheeks with pink Tylenol, being reminded that God's mercy is sufficient.

    (Text in italics taken from a prayer of preparation before Holy Communion written by St. Basil the Great)


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