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    Monday, June 07, 2004

    The Last of the Weddings

    ...for a while, at least.

    Our circle of friends, like many others I'm sure, has expanded and contracted in funny ways over the years. A core group has remained, however. It has been nice to watch eachother grow and support one another in life experiences...graduations, marriages, births, deaths...life, I guess.

    The barrage of weddings, however, seemed to begin about four years ago. Since then we have attended so many weddings and receptions I have trouble counting them. The personalities of each wedding are varied and tell a sort of story. Here are a few of the many.

    The St. Alban's Anglican days
    Apgar wedding: Held in a small old wooden chapel.
    Owen wedding: Santa Ana Courthouse. Backyard potluck reception some months later.

    St. Luke's Reformed Episcopal
    Plew wedding: Night service in the arched ceiling church. Party in the fellowship hall.

    St. Barnabas Orthodox
    Whittamore wedding: First Orthodox wedding, Pascal, beautiful. Delicious but hot reception. I was 8 months pregnant.
    Byers wedding: Lovely, in winter. Five star reception. Open bar, gourmet fare.
    Henslin wedding: Big, wonderful, lots of babies. Fun and festive reception followed.

    Many years to you Ben and Grace Henslin!

    O God, our God, who didst come to Cana of Galilee, and didst bless there the marriage feast: Bless also, these thy servants, who through thy good providence are now united together in wedlock. Bless their goings out and their comings in: replenish their life with good things: recieve their crowns into thy kingdom, preserving them spotless, blameless, and without reproach, unto ages of ages. Amen


    Blogger Karl said...

    My wife has a "core group" of about 10 friends from her college years....7 of them have gotten married in the last 3 years.

    Sadly, none in an Orthodox Church!

    9:20 AM  
    Blogger Munkee said...

    Sara, you didn't mention the Protestant weddings of Pete and Marissa, or Ed and Stephanie, or Matt and Sharon, or Jon and Christina.

    11:17 AM  
    Blogger Bluecanopy said...

    I told you I had trouble keeping track! I did say "here are a few of the many", though.

    12:12 PM  
    Blogger E Rica said...

    I think the next wedding at St. Barney's will be a couple years away too. Unless we get some new people at the church. Who knows?

    10:13 AM  
    Blogger Todd said...

    and don't forget...

    from St. Alban's days,
    - wedding of Jorge and Mavel, held at a cheesy Vegas chapel but still used the full liturgical rite, even had Greg. chant

    9:57 PM  
    Blogger Bluecanopy said...

    oh yeah, todd! i forgot about that one...i don't remember the gregorian chant. it seems like that was sooo long ago.

    8:34 PM  

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