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    Wednesday, February 16, 2005

    Late Winter Cleaning

    You'd think the fresh spring weather would get me outside...romping the hills or at least the park (well I have done lots of that lately). But no...what does it make me feel like doing? Cleaning! Organizing! Nesting! So, that's what I've been up to...trying to rearrange the gobs of stuff we have to make it more manageable and orderly.

    I never used to be much for keeping my things orderly...my room at my parents was always a mess...and my closet, whew! Then I got married and realized what a difference it makes. For instance, life is much simpler when your spices are alphabetized. Call me crazy or obsessive compulsive but I don't have to fumble through them any more. Or take the closet. Why do I need all of my sweaters out, hanging up in the heat of summer? My new-found answer...rotate. Put them away in an easy to reach box until it's cold again...leaving a few out just in case.

    Of course this all takes time and discipline...but in the long run, it makes daily living go more smoothly for the whole family.

    I think there is a lot to be said for orderliness. Not that things have to be spotless and perfect...but just well-kept and cared for. This is definitly a learned thing for me, and something I have to force myself to actually do. But, I 've found that as with all other struggles, half the battle is in trying and that if I just start a task that may seem daunting (like the spare bedroom), it eventually gets done.

    So, I guess I should get off this thing and do some of this tidying up I've been blabbing about.

    p.s. Please don't tell my parents about this post...they'll think all of those years of pestering me have finally come to something!


    Blogger Beniy said...

    This sounds like a very "Wind in the Willows" type thing to be doing. Cheers! Mole would be proud.

    2:09 PM  
    Blogger Sean Reagan said...

    "I think there is a lot to be said for orderliness. Not that things have to be spotless and perfect...but just well-kept and cared for."

    I agree with this Sara. Ordered Chaos is how I would describe my room. Sure, it has a skateboard in the middle of it with papers and books on top of it, and a beanbag next to it with several items of clothing laying on it, and another skateboard off to the side, with more papers and books on it, and more books next to it, and more papers elsewhere, but everything has its place, and I know where everything is. I almost never lose anything.

    Things will stack up and get cluttered because I don't clean anything up for months at a time, but it's very manageable considering how small my room is.

    4:19 PM  
    Blogger Beniy said...

    Yes, Sean. I'm like you. But in a real world, organized means other people can find the things in your room.
    My poor student teacher. She has no idea where to find the books in my classroom when she needs them, because my "system" invloves a daily, nd sometimes hourly, random changing of book locations in case any educational spies come by looking to steal my trade secrets.

    4:28 PM  
    Blogger Bluecanopy said...

    It's all about ordered chaos, Sean...true...and beniy brings up a good point...if there are other people who will be living in your "mole hole", wherever that may be, it's always a good idea to inform them of how you have ordered the chaos. Poor Aaron could buy that keg fridge with the tap he wants if I gave him a nickel for everytime he has asked me where I've moved something!

    12:17 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So TRUE! I was just telling John on the way home Sunday that I'm glad the previous Sunday was long gone and done with. We came home last week and took short naps and tore apart our house and cleaned every nook and cranny. I like organized and clean but John is so anal about space and wanting it to be empty. Including garages. Huh? Don't you store things in it to get to them later? Anyhoo, my closet was cleaned out with things I haven't worn in ages as well as my hanging clothes. The girls dressers and ALL of their baby clothes were done too. Lots of stuff going to the homeless shelters and friends. I was grumpy during the process but happy that it was done. Now it's time for the paperwork and our filing cabinet. Oh gosh, what have I gotten into?

    4:15 PM  

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