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    Sunday, December 11, 2005

    Learning to Pray

    Do not imagine, brother, that prayer consists soley of words, or that it can be learnt by means of words.

    No, the truth of the matter, should understand, is that spiritual prayer does not reach fullness as a result of either learning or the repetition of words. For it is not to a man that you are praying, before whom you can repeat a well-composed speech; it is to Him who is Spirit that you are directing the movements of your prayer. You should pray therefore in spirit, seeing that He is Spirit.

    From The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian


    Blogger Mimi said...

    Wow, Sara, I love this quote.

    9:38 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The way you move through life has always been prayerful, which becomes richer and deeper with each passing day. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and gentle spirit here on your blog, it is refreshing and enriching to many of us! I love you.

    6:50 PM  
    Blogger Xenia Kathryn said...

    Yes, thank you for the quote Sara! It has stuck with me these past few days.

    12:26 PM  

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