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    Tuesday, January 31, 2006

    The World according to Basil

    As I go in to pick up a waking Juliana, I hear this trailing passionately behind me

    "No, no no Juliana! I don't want Juliana to live with us mommy. I want her to go in your belly...that's her home, not here!"

    Sorry little fella.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    this coming from who was once a little girl of about 3 years old who laid at my feet, crying her little heart out, because baby sister Kristen arrived and was in mommy's arms, rather than baby Sara....I remember crying with you...and the good news is, you made it through and you and your sister love each other...very much :) oh, sweet basil...and sweet sara...

    12:01 AM  
    Blogger Mamasings said...

    I think Christopher said something similar about John at one point...what a crack up. At least they get over it. I was just thinking lately about how having a brother or sister is a gift from God, to help the child learn to deal with difficulties. Christopher and John challenge each other daily!

    12:03 AM  
    Blogger Xenia Kathryn said...

    cute :)

    10:35 AM  
    Blogger Mimi said...

    Oh, what a bittersweet story. It's so hard to not be the only (or youngest) any more!

    10:42 AM  

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