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    Wednesday, February 22, 2006

    An Exercise in Extrinsic Motivation

    So, apparently Basil is more of a goal guy than an immediate gratification guy...well, at least when it comes to potty training. I knew he was very ready to abandon the diaper when he would announce "I'm going poo-poo" or "I just went pee" which would be followed by a hasty diaper off-age. So, about a month ago, we tried the chocolate chip route. Trying to tempt the little man with sweet morsels lasted about two visits to the loo. So I devised this potty chart and stuck it to the bathroom mirror...and it worked!! He's still in a nappy for bedtime and naps but is d-free the rest of the time! We've feasted on cherry ice cream, visited the pet store...trips to the beach and watching fireworks are next. Horray for you Baze-man!


    Blogger Mimi said...

    Hooray indeed!

    2:47 PM  
    Blogger Christina said...

    that's awesome. pavlos' potty training had been put on hold when I started having to go into the hospital over a month ago. thank goodness, my parents decided to try to continue with it and he is now almost completely potty trained! hooray for both of us:)

    8:57 AM  
    Blogger D. I. Dalrymple said...

    Nice idea, the goal chart. My son is going to be three in April and he is SO not interested in using the potty. Perhaps we'll give this approach a shot.

    9:16 AM  
    Blogger Bluecanopy said...

    Christina...what a blessing to have your parents there to help out...and with potty training nonetheless!

    DI...best wishes. my fear is that this is just a phase and B will soon refuse to use the toilet or something!

    12:24 PM  
    Blogger E Rica said...

    That's so great! Congratulations!

    10:21 PM  
    Blogger Katie Harris said...

    that's awesome. i'll have to remember that one ;)

    10:40 PM  
    Blogger Mamasings said...

    yah basil...major achievement. Charts are great! I love stickers and a chart for myself. Nothing like checking off a box with a sticker!

    12:08 AM  

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