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    Wednesday, July 12, 2006

    "Hey! You took off all my hair."


    Blogger Susan Sophia said...

    He is so handsome!

    I LOVE it when my boys get their heads shaved! They look SO HANDSOME!!!!

    12:26 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    what a silly basil

    12:51 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey Sarah,

    I love the tongue! I wonder if it's a 3-year-old's equivalent of a tell-off? I'd be mad if you cut off all my hair...

    Anyway, don't have an email for you (or A) so just a quick note to say THANK YOU for sharing him the weekend before last. He was truly his brother's keeper... and chauffeur... and time clock... and and and... for which I am forever grateful because it made my wedding happen so smoothly (save the raunchy food...) but A had no role in that... And he was such a warm fellow to my best friend! She commented on what nice neighbors I would have... And to you for putting up with the cats during his absence... And to both of you for watching over B's house (...soon to be mine? That feels SO weird to say, but good. I am ready to get the heck out of Dodge!)

    So TTFN... I'll see you in August!

    1:56 PM  
    Blogger Kassianni said...

    I love a boy with spunk. he must be a real character, eh?

    2:50 PM  
    Blogger annie said...

    That's such an Aaron face!

    4:18 PM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    That picture made me smile.

    8:18 PM  
    Blogger Bluecanopy said...

    He is all those things...silly, spunky, etc. I think I would be bored if he weren't so vivacious! I agree with you, Annie, that is quite an Aaron face :) punk rock.

    I wasn't sure about shaving it even as I ran the clipperover the top of hi head...he seem s to like it, and the sweat doesn't seem to hang out around his forehead quite as much :)

    Elizabeth...I'm so glad the wedding went well. Aaron says it was "the most beautiful wedding he's been to" ." He wouldn't just say that either...glad you enjoyed the finger lakes as well...see you soon, neighbor Waisanen.

    1:08 PM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    Your mention of shaving all of his hair off reminded me of the time when I was buzzing the hair off of our middle child; the blade was not working properly and so it needed to be oiled.

    Oil it I did.

    And then as I came in for more hair cutting the oil on my hand (I really oiled it) made the whole deal slip causing the clippers to drop onto my wee lad's head... I did not think he was going to let me finish the job, but he did.

    4:54 PM  

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