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    Monday, August 07, 2006

    Updates and Some Photos

    I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I'm trying to get back into my routine. I vascillate between desiring structure and wanting to "take it easy". The trouble is, usually when I'm neglecting the structure I've already put in place, things get harder. The dishes pile up. Laundry stays folded on the back of the couch, and the dress-up drawer stays emptied on the floor. Hmph.

    So, picking up the pieces and revising my "rule" has helped immensely. The chaos is slowly reshelving itself.

    We recently found out that my 82-year-old grandpa has cancer. Aaron and I visited him over the weekend; he's still as spry and sweet as ever...war stories, updates on the nursing staff, and one-liners (eg. "how are you doing grandpa?", "oh anyone I can"). Who knows how long his body will fight, he seems to be fairly sturdy and healthy despite the cancer. Still, one can see the inevitable end lies somewhere over the horizon...the certain end we must all face. The remebrance of the reality of death is always a good and sobering thing, but thinking about it in regards to someone you love is rough. I ask God to send His mercies upon Grandpa, granting him comfort, peace, and repentance...and I ask you prayers as well.

    I guess these should be two separate posts, after dropping such a bomb. But who knows when I'll get around to it again. More gratuitous photos of Plew summer fun. Man, I can't believe it's August already.

    Apparently Basil wanted a bit of water play change, this bucket was more fun than the old blue thing in the background.

    Juliana had to get in on the action :)

    Aaron's new baby...a compost pile. It's fun to do something with kitchen scraps and yard waste. I feel so productive with it out there.

    And what did Basil ask to build when we were playing blocks this morning? A compost pile, of course! The blocks inside are "leafes", the produce is self explanatory. He's catching on :) Oh, and he's laying there to guard it from little sister.


    Blogger Mimi said...

    I'm sorry to hear of your grandpa - I am sure you know this but take some time to videotape him and some of his stories.

    Great photos!

    3:41 PM  
    Blogger Sean Reagan said...

    Ah sister. Always ready to ruin brother's artistic creations.

    She'll probably grow up and work in a demolition derby.

    High hopes. High hopes.

    1:06 PM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    Ahhh the bucket looks great, and it is a two seater!

    I enjoy composting... don't really do too much with it, did make some compost tea yesterday evening and served it to some flowers this morning.

    It seems that by composting we actually have noticably less trash in our outdoor trashcan.

    8:28 PM  
    Blogger Elizabeth said...

    Oh, there's someone else who lets folded laundry pile up on the back of the couch? We have a loveseat that for years has served that purpose--we pretty much consider it the laundry couch at this point. :-P

    And a nice way to feel productive without actually doing anything yourself is a compost pile! Compost is very satisfying. I do recommend a two-sided system, though--when I finally did this, when we moved here, I saw dramatic improvement in how fast my compost was ready.

    So sorry to hear about your grandfather....I hope it's not a form of cancer that will be very painful at the end.

    9:48 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    oops my comment that should have been posted here went into post below.....!

    8:44 AM  
    Blogger Xenia Kathryn said...

    Hey Sara,
    I'm so sorry to hear of your grandpa. I just read your other post about him (and his coupons and gifts) and he sounds so incredibly sweet.

    Thank you for sharing your photos with us! Your kids are so cute :)

    10:52 AM  
    Blogger Susan Sophia said...

    Just back from vacation and catching up with blogs! It is good to see such beautiful and fun pictures!
    I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. He and you all are in our prayers.

    The "rule" is desperately needed back in my life. I am convinced that there is a direct correlation between the lack of rule and the mischievousness of my children!
    Hopefully after the move we'll get back on the ball for all our sakes!!

    6:07 PM  

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