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    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee, Won't My Momma Be So Proud of Me?

    So, Basil had another run in with a stinging insect. He ran swiftly and quietly past me into the house and into the back room, shutting the door. I noticed a bee angrily wriggling on the porch where he had been working and imediately knew what had taken place.

    Now he is officially a little boy, bee stung thumb and all. The funniest thing is that he didn't cry and didn't want me to look at it. Later, in the car, on route to the arboretum, he was asking detailed questions about Jesus' crown of thorns and did it hurt. He happily concluded (mostly on his own, surprisingly) that since Jesus had "healed himself" and had risen from the dead, that Jesus was healing his thumb, too.

    How's that for carseat theology?


    Blogger E Rica said...

    What an irntuitive guy! And he's very well-taught. Good job, Sara and Aaron!

    7:17 AM  
    Blogger Lauren S. said...

    What a boy! He's so smart. :)

    9:12 AM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    I am reminded that Basil's Patron Saint did some study on bugs, and even wrote about it.

    10:12 AM  
    Blogger Bluecanopy said...

    papa h...i didn't know about that. do you know the reference? might be interesting school stuff for later. or does he just talk about it briefly in another context?

    3:27 PM  
    Blogger Mimi said...

    Wow! Great carseat theology!

    Poor Basil.

    6:33 PM  
    Blogger Unknown said...

    Sara, I came across the following when Juliana was was battle-ing wasps...

    St. Basil explains the process of breathing of the insects: "When you see insects, for example, bees or wasps (they are called insects because they have visible incising), note that they do not breathe with lungs, but they accept air with all their body. That is why, if they get into the oil and get wet, they die because the pores of their body become closed, and if you wash them in time with vinegar, they become alive again, for the pores to breath in the air become open again" (vol.1, p.82). In the same place, long before Harvey, St. Basil the Great says about the blood circulation.

    source: "The Scientific Views of St. Basil the Great" http://www.orthodoxphotos.com/readings/talks/views.shtml

    8:16 PM  
    Blogger Bluecanopy said...

    Wow that article was really cool. I bookmarked it.

    Thanks for sharing that with us.

    2:05 PM  

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