Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Ready, Set, Go on Vacation
Pack the map and snacks
Clean the car, we're leaving soon
Bye-bye hot L.A.
Pack the map and snacks
Clean the car, we're leaving soon
Bye-bye hot L.A.
Friday, July 16, 2004
New Blog Alert
I found a new blog, the owner of which is a good friend to my good friends, as well as Basil's God-sister, Dawn (Mary). Check out the Chronicles of Mary addition to my links list. And to you, Dawn, I bid a hearty welcome...even if you do live on a really cool island!
I found a new blog, the owner of which is a good friend to my good friends, as well as Basil's God-sister, Dawn (Mary). Check out the Chronicles of Mary addition to my links list. And to you, Dawn, I bid a hearty welcome...even if you do live on a really cool island!
Monday, July 12, 2004
The Synaxis of Sara's Beat the Heat Tactics
Today I did the unthinkable...I ordered a swim suit online. I didn't try it on, and I've never seen it in person. The truth of the matter is, I was tired of trying to find something with enough coverage that would be conducive to nursing. With the mercury steadily rising, an un-airconditioned house, and a steamy little furnace attached to me, pools, beaches, and even hoses have sounded really appealing lately. So, I splurged and used some of my graduation money to buy a surprisingly cute and modest nursing swim suit.
Like anyone really wanted to hear about that.
I have found another way to make hot days cooler...smoothies! So far my favorite consists of frozen strawberries, half of a banana, a few scoops of vanilla yogurt, a splash of soy milk, and bit of ice. Yum Yum. Go ahead, try one.
And now to totally shift subjects...Earlier tonight when I checked the calendar, I noticed that July 13 is the commemoration of the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel. Later, while scrubbing a dinner plate, I realized I didn't really know what a synaxis was. I had a vague idea thanks to handy root word knowledge and the fact that all of the synaxis icons have lots of saints or angels gathered together; but I wanted to know for sure. So, if you were wondering too, this is what dictionary.com has to say:
synaxis \Syn*ax"is\, n. to bring together.
But then I was a bit concerned that they considered the word a noun and then defined it as a verb...ya think they'd double-check that.
Holy Archangel Gabriel, Pray for Us.
Today I did the unthinkable...I ordered a swim suit online. I didn't try it on, and I've never seen it in person. The truth of the matter is, I was tired of trying to find something with enough coverage that would be conducive to nursing. With the mercury steadily rising, an un-airconditioned house, and a steamy little furnace attached to me, pools, beaches, and even hoses have sounded really appealing lately. So, I splurged and used some of my graduation money to buy a surprisingly cute and modest nursing swim suit.
Like anyone really wanted to hear about that.
I have found another way to make hot days cooler...smoothies! So far my favorite consists of frozen strawberries, half of a banana, a few scoops of vanilla yogurt, a splash of soy milk, and bit of ice. Yum Yum. Go ahead, try one.
And now to totally shift subjects...Earlier tonight when I checked the calendar, I noticed that July 13 is the commemoration of the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel. Later, while scrubbing a dinner plate, I realized I didn't really know what a synaxis was. I had a vague idea thanks to handy root word knowledge and the fact that all of the synaxis icons have lots of saints or angels gathered together; but I wanted to know for sure. So, if you were wondering too, this is what dictionary.com has to say:
synaxis \Syn*ax"is\, n. to bring together.
But then I was a bit concerned that they considered the word a noun and then defined it as a verb...ya think they'd double-check that.

Holy Archangel Gabriel, Pray for Us.