This weekend has been filled with pinkeye, runny noses and wads of soggy tissues. Aaron was serving at the altar, so the two sick babes and I stayed home from Liturgy this morning. While Juliana was catching some much needed Zs, Basil and I were hanging out and talking, doing dishes in the kitchen.
He says to me "I don't like Deacon Justin, Mommy. He's not a nice guy."
And I'm thinking "Deacon Justin, Deacon Justin...hmmm...I know we have an abundance of deacons at St. B's but I know them all...we don't know a Deacon Justin."
Meanwhile bubbles are spilling over the sink edge and Basil's still lamenting this anonymous clergy.
Then he says "He's really sour and yucky!" And it clicks!
Not Deacon Justin....DECONGESTANT!!!!